Tuesday, August 11

Meet the Plants

I've always known my dad to have a green thumb, but I haven't had the opportunity to try mine out many times. The times I have had opportunities, I've been in college or worked long hours.

Then I was inspired by Boyface Travis' Rubber Plant named Patrick.

Patrick has been around for some time. He's gone months without attention [in an unfortunate situation] and has grown several new leaves in the last year! He's standing with such good posture these days.

So this summer I decided to grow tomatoes.
This is Ella, the Early Girl, and a few marigolds to attract bugs. There are 4 green tomatoes and one that's turning red!! I did it! Thanks to the sunny weather, Ella has been a wonderful urban plant.

Then I was given an orchid by a sweet friend who works in the senior care industry with me.

And due to my love for the movie Adaptation, I named him Charlie Kaufman. He is actually two orchid plants that have white flowers with purple dots & white flowers with yellow dots. I mist him with a spray bottle and sometimes place him in my bathroom when showers are being taken. He likes a tropical atmosphere.

Finally, once the word got out that I liked having plants around, my mother brought me Fred

the Ficus. About once a week I give him water in the clear dish and he soaks it up as he pleases. Every two weeks, I see that the top of his foliage has new leaves budding! He's gorgeous.

Does anyone else have a plant that they love to grow?


  1. I think it's lovely that you name your plants!
    I like them too, but don't have as many as you. In my office, there is a plant that was almost dying and luckily it has revived :) It looks like a type of bonsai to me because it reminds me of a little tree. Any ideas for a name? :)

  2. I have the picture of the plant! How should I show it to you? :D The name Grace fits it!
