Monday, March 19

Crazy Sexy

Somehow, Somewhere, I found new inspiration!
Kris Carr is a super neat girl who dove head first into learning about physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness when she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.

Thanks to floating, I decided it was time for me to take full responsibility for the care of my body. I've realized this many times over the past year or so, but now the thought is inescapable.

So, I've purchased this lovely book and am ready for an endeavor full of fruits and veggies! I'm super excited to read about the 21-Day Adventure Cleanse!!

Ready to learn about / join the Crazy Sexy Revolution?!
Check out Kris Carr's CRAZY SEXY MANIFESTO!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I might have to cook something crazy, sexy, healthy on Wednesday night :)
