Monday, January 3

Since I've Been Gone

oh my it's been forever!

well, as you know,

I went to San Diego to visit Eric
Space Mountain is Scary at Halloween.
So, was the apple juice stunt we pulled...

While I was there, my car got totaled in front of Allie's house (no one got hurt)
R.I.P, Car (1996-2010)

I got a new car '98 Toyota Corolla (as not to have a payment)
and it was a manual...kind of exciting to drive again.

And I got a new job in Gig Harbor
100 miles every day!

Then my car broke down and I hated life

And I went car shopping...
And I went car shopping...
And I went car shopping...

And it never seemed to end until I realized:
I wanted another Toyota Corolla

But this time, it's a 2010!! (black is sexy, yeah?)

Now I'm loving my job, wanting to meet a man who already owns a house, and enjoying a few more friends than I had before.

Where will 2011 take me?


  1. Walrus and Carpenter TONIIIIIGHT. Love ya.

  2. So glad you're back! Wow, you've been through quite a bit these past few months but it sounds like things are good now after a bit of stress.

    Hope you had a great holiday season!
